JULY 7th – SUMMER MEETING & 216 Palisade Development

Sgt Anthony Neighborhood Association (SAPNA) meets in person in Sgt Anthony Park on July 7th 2022, 7.00pm.<!–



Thursday, July 7th 2022, 7.00pm

In person in Sgt Anthony Park

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216 Palisade Ave Development

Developers have updated their design at 216 Palisade Ave to be a 5 story, 17 unit building. (NEW plans here)

Community Compost Bins

Sonia Dublin, Director of Recycling will join us to gather feedback about where a community compost bin for the park and neighborhood might go.

Pedestrian, Bike and traffic safety Updates:

Updates about Hoboken Ave, Curb Extensions at Jefferson & Palisade, Newark Ave Bike Lane and more.

Stop The Chop

Updates from SAPNA efforts to stop low flying helicopters


Please call Senators Brian Stack and Sandra Cunningham who introduced Liberty State Park bill S2807, which kicks the LSP Protection Act S907 to the curb and their bill provides Zero protection for LSP after 46 years of battles.

Please call them today to strongly request that they their fast-tracked bill S2807 prohibit large scale commercialization and large scale privatization in LSP.

Please also state that you oppose a commercial “concert and event venue” (7000 seats) and two stadiums (one is 5000 seats) in LSP, as the billionaire Paul Fireman-funded group’s plan pushes both.

Senator Stack is at 201-721-5263. You can press 0 to leave a message.

Senator Sandra Cunningham is at 201-451-5100. If no answer, please leave a message at extension 12.

Free summer Yoga

Reminder that Sgt Anthony Park has free yoga on rain free Tuesdays all summer.

Membership 2022

If you have not paid your association fees ($25), please do so now. Members are eligible to vote on SAPNA issues, allocation of funds and serve on the board or other organizing committees. Members are also able to request a key for year round access to the community garden. More info


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