TONIGHT 6.30pm – 216 Palisade Zoning Board Meeting
The zoning board will hear from developers and members of the public about a new proposed building at 216 Palisade Ave.<!–
Thursday 28th July 2022, 6.30pm
This Thursday, 28th July 2022, the zoning board will hear from developers and members of the public about a new proposed building at 216 Palisade Ave.
The owners of the site are requesting a use variance to allow a 5 story, 17 unit apartment building that would have more than double the number of apartments than any surrounding zone, despite only offering 1 low income unit. The design also has a garage entrance directly on an intersection that has had 3 or more pedestrians hit in the past year. Despite having unanimous objection from those who saw the plans at the recent association meeting, the developers will be presenting this building to the zoning board.
Residents will have a chance to give their opinion on the proposal.
Please join the Zoning Board Meeting TONIGHT at 6.30pm via Zoom : https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88686388930
or by phone +1 929 205 6099 Webinar ID: 886 8638 8930 (during meeting press *9 to raise your hand)
full agenda can be found here.
Sgt Anthony Park Neighborhood Association
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Sgt. Anthony Park Association · Sgt. Anthony Park · Jersey City, Nj 07306 · USA