Sgt Anthony Summer Newsletter

Encanto! – Rt 139 – 216 Palisade – Fall Calendar – Dog Run<!–


Friday 19th August – Movies in the Park: Encanto

Thursday 15th Sept – Summer/Fall Sgt Anthony Association Meeting

Sunday 30th October – Sgt Anthony Fall Festival

JC Movies in the Park

Friday 19th August in Sgt Anthony Park (7.30pm/sundown)


Development at 216 Palisade Ave

The Jersey City Zoning Board voted 6/1 to deny the proposal set forth by developers to build a 5 story, 17 unit building at 216 Palisade. The Sgt Anthony association agreed with their assessment that this design was using the medical zoning rules to attempt to build luxury apartments. We hope the developers will come back with a more reasonable proposal that includes more low income housing, and brings benefit to the community.

The zoning board meeting is available on youtube

Route 139 Sidewalk Updates

Many of you will have noticed the work by NJ DOT to improve the sidewalks along the East side of Rt 139. These improvements include repaved sidewalks, updated traffic & safety features such as no turn on right, clearer signage for pedestrians crossing, and tree pits for trees.

These improvements are welcome but we hope that the NJ State continues to improve this dangerous stretch of Jersey City.

Sgt Anthony Park Dog Run

The Association has been trying for many years to get the city to make improvements so that dog owners are not encouraged to make the front lawn unsafe for kids playing.

Unfortunately because the city has neglected the dog run it has been misused and the city has decided to lock it.

Please contact Councilman Boggiano (RBoggiano@jcnj.org) in support of our efforts to rehabilitate the dog run into a place that dogs and dog owners want to go.

Free Summer Yoga will continue on Tuesdays through the end of August!

Membership 2022

If you have not paid your association fees ($25), please do so now. Members are eligible to vote on SAPNA issues, allocation of funds and serve on the board or other organizing committees. Members are also able to request a key for year round access to the community garden. More info


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