POSTPONED: Sgt Anthony at Riverview Flea Market


This event has been POSTPONED to

***SATURDAY OCTOBER 7TH, 11-4pm***

Stay dry everyone!

Sgt. Anthony Park Neighbors,

Sgt. Anthony Park Neighborhood Association will have a table at the Riverview Neighborhood Association’s Flea Market this weekend, on Saturday, September 23rd at Riverview-Fisk Park from 11am to 4pm to raise money for the association’s programming for the community and to replace the Little Free Library in Sgt. Anthony Park that was destroyed last year. 

Community members are encouraged to drop by to say hello and bring some donations for the table This is a great chance to clear out those closets and garages for a good cause. We are accepting anything that is in good shape that you no longer need but could be sold to someone else–gently used kid’s toys, household items, and accessories of all types preferred. Now’s your chance to unload that candle your Aunt Janice gave you for your birthday that you hate or that vase that doesn’t fit on your shelves. No large items of furniture accepted. Please bring your stuff early!

Whatever does not sell will be donated at the Green Drop

***If it rains, we will NOT be vending.***

Come out this Saturday and support your community! See you there!

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Sgt. Anthony Park Association · Sgt. Anthony Park · Jersey City, Nj 07306 · USA

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