Zoning Board Meeting THIS THURSDAY, 8/10/23

Zoning Board Update<!–

Sgt. Anthony Park Neighbors,

It is another important week for the future of our neighborhood. Two large building developments on Oakland Ave. are on the agenda for the Zoning Board of Adjustments on Thursday 8/10.

84-88 Beacon Avenue is a project that has been on the agenda for the last month, but has not been presented yet. The project is at Beacon and Oakland Avenue, and they are proposing a four story, 24-unit residential building with parking, including two affordable units – requesting 10 variances (for use, bulk, height, setbacks, parking, etc.): 


ALSO on Thursday, 64-70 Oakland Avenue is a project that is appearing on the agenda for the first time. The project spans from Hwy 139 to Fleet Street, and the proposed project is a six story, 73-unit residential building with ground floor office/ commercial space and parking, including seven affordable units – requesting 6 variances:


64-70 Oakland Avenue was presented to the Sgt. Anthony Park Neighborhood Association, but 84-88 Beacon Avenue was not. Both proposed buildings go against portions of our current developer guidelines. Neighbor concerns include the increased height and density (compared to the buildings around it), the blocking of light and air to neighboring buildings, the reduction or elimination of setbacks and green space, increased vehicular traffic near intersections (impacting pedestrian safety), and contextualization within the neighborhood building fabric (being much bigger than the surrounding area).

64-70 Oakland Avenue has come back with some concessions for the neighborhood suggestions, including adding green space and some setbacks at the commercial space, moving the garage entrance away from the property edge on Fleet Street, and stepping the property height down from 6 stories on Hwy139 to 4 stories on Fleet Street, but those changes have not been officially filed with Zoning yet.

We ask that concerned neighbors PLEASE attend the virtual meeting THIS THURSDAY, August 10th, starting at 6:30pm on zoom with this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83659307838 

For more info please visit: https://data.jerseycitynj.gov/explore/dataset/zoning-board-agenda-2023/information/

After each project is presented by the development team, public comments will be heard—You can use the ‘raise hand’ function to say what you think.

Please exercise your right to have your opinion heard.

We hope to see many of you there!

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Sgt. Anthony Park Association · Sgt. Anthony Park · Jersey City, Nj 07306 · USA

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