Sgt Anthony Park Association - Newsletter 001
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The next Sgt Anthony Neighborhood Meeting is tomorrow, Thursday, March 31st at 7pm at Bobby Dees, 49 Beacon Ave.

At the meeting we will be electing a President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary.

If you wish to participate in community, neighborhood and park improvements, tomorrow is the time to get involved!  Any paid up member may run for office, or vote, and you may pay your dues at the meeting. You may also nominate yourself or others.

Other items we will discuss are:
Great Jersey City Cleanup (See below)
Sgt Anthony Flea Market
Spring Events
Park Improvements
and Your Neighborhood Concerns

See you at the meeting.

The Great Jersey City Cleanup being held in honor of Earth Day on April 23rd and will take place throughout Jersey City, and across many cities in the US. 

We hope to mobilize residents of the Sgt Anthony Park Neighborhood and The Heights alongside civic organizations, community leaders, and elected officials to roll up their sleeves and help clean our City on a single day!

Please join our efforts and sign up to be a volunteer or zone captain for the day, please email sgtanthonypark@gmail.com
If you are on facebook, twitter or instagram, please follow our pages and again, encourage your neighbors do so to. If you are unable to attend the meeting or have any questions or suggestions, please email sgtanthonypark@gmail.com

Many thanks

Sgt. Anthony Park Association
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