Newsletter 001

Sgt Anthony Park Association - Newsletter 001
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Thank you for signing up to the Sgt. Anthony Park Association newsletter.

We will be holding some exploratory meetings over the next few weeks to establish park improvement and maintenance, and increasing park membership. We will be meeting tomorrow, Wednesday 26th August at 7pm in Sgt Anthony Park and everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend.

The association are starting to gather email addresses and names of neighbors of Sgt. Anthony Park. To have a decent impact we need more member of the community to sign up and we need your help. The best way of doing this is to approach your neighbors and give them the new website information where there is a sign up form.

The website can be found at:

We are also excited to announce that over the past few weeks Norrice Raymaker has been hard at work with the community garden. It has now been cleared and is ready for general use so we are now allowing members of the community to have a key to the garden for a one time fee of $10 and a commitment of 30 mins of gardening per week.
If you are on facebook, twitter or instagram, please follow our pages and again, encourage your neighbors do so to. If you are unable to attend the meeting or have any questions or suggestions, please email

Many thanks

Sgt. Anthony Park Association
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