Park Renovations Starting

Sgt Anthony Park Association - Meeting and Local Developments
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MEETING - 21st March

The Sgt Anthony Park renovation is starting this month!!

Please join us for an Association meeting to see the final details of the project and the projected timeline. 

The meeting will be at
7pm on Thursday March 21st 
Christ Hospital Staff Meeting Room  

Please join us for this first meeting of 2019 where we will be updating the community on the full park renovation plans which officially start on the 17th March. During this renovation the park, community garden, and dog run will be entirely closed, and parking on that side of the street will be restricted. We hope we can have a opening event once it is all complete. 

This meeting is a great opportunity to get involved, and help find ways to improve the neighborhood at large. 

Also on the agenda:

-Sgt Anthony Park Board Elections
This is the meeting where a new board of Sgt Anthony Park will be elected. Anyone eligible can run for President, Vice President, Secretary or Treasurer. If you would like information about the current association rules and regulations, please email and we will provide them for you.

-Development Plans for 26 Beacon Ave 
The architect for 26 Beacon Ave will be attending the meeting to discuss proposals for that 

-Association Dues
    Membership fees are due at the 1st meeting of the year. Dues are $25. 

-Financial report
    The financial report will be presented. 

-Neighborhood Developer Guide
the Board is looking for input from the Association as we put together a guide for developers who are hoping to have their projects approved by the community before going to the city. 

If you have other items that you would like discussed, or particular questions for our guests, please email them to

See you at the meeting!

Sgt. Anthony Park Association


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