RECAP – Sgt Anthony Neighborhood Meeting – Sept 8th

Sgt Anthony Park Association - Newsletter 001
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Thank you to those who turned up to the neighborhood association meeting last night. It ts great to see so many people who want to get involved.

Here is a little recap of some of the items that were discussed and links to a variety of websites that we encourage our neighbors to visit.

Masterplan Survey:
A Master Plan is a blueprint for the City's future. Drafting a new plan will require the collaborative work of a team of specialized consultants, city staff, and the dedication of the public at large to develop a shared understanding of the City's collective values and aspirations for the future.

Cats TNR:
Please be an angel and support our neighborhood TNR project by making a donation.

City of Trees:
The JC Parks Coalition has begun a City of Trees campaign to introduce 5000 new trees by 2020.

See Click Fix:
For those interested in using See click fix to inform the city of problems they see in the Neighborhood here is the link:

Route 139:
Work on Route 139 will see Baldwin Ave closure on the 12th of September
The police will be implementing closures from 7AM-3PM, Monday through Friday beginning Monday, September 12, 2016 on both Baldwin Avenue and select cross streets. Access to local residences and businesses will be maintained. Signed detours for through traffic will direct motorists and pedestrians to the newly reconstructed Palisade Avenue Bridge.

Flea Market:
The board will try and make a Fall Flea Market on October 15th possible.

Sgt Anthony Park Upgrades:
The Sgt Anthony Park Neighborhood Association will continue to work with and put pressure on the City to make the improvements to the Park so that it is safe and accessible to everyone.

We always want to hear from you so please come along and SHARE neighborhood concerns, LEARN about recent park improvements and JOIN your neighbors in creating a revitalized association.

Thank you,
Sgt. Anthony Park Association

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