Reminder! 2nd Annual Great Jersey City Clean-Up

We will be welcoming volunteers at 9:30am at Sgt. Anthony Park with Free Coffee and Doughnuts
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Join Us Tomorrow For The 2nd Annual Great Jersey City Clean-Up!  

We will be welcoming volunteers at 9:30am at Sgt. Anthony Park with Free Coffee and Doughnuts before reporting to Dickinson High School for assignments and Supplies at 10am

Hope to see you all tomorrow! With your help we can start spring off with clean(er) streets.

Spring Flea Market 

Spring Flea will be Saturday May 20th 9am-4pm

In preparation we will hold a planning meeting after the Clean-up tomorrow 4/29 at 12:20pm. If you are interested in Getting involved with the Flea and can't make the meeting please email us!

Flea Opportunities Include:
- Getting the word out! Placing ads online and in local publications
- A shift at the Sgt. Anthony Neighborhood Association Table
- Donating items to the Sgt. Anthony Neighborhood Association table 
- Taking donations to Salvation Army after the Market
- Market Clean-up
- Selling your stuff!  Please email us to reserve a spot.

The Sgt. Anthony Park Members: $10
Non-members : $15.
(Tables not paid for before the day of the flea market will cost $20)
The Association will provide SPACE ONLY (6 ft. by 3 ft.) and all fees are non-refundable.

Spaces on the day of the flea market will be on a first come, first served basis so please bring the items to the Park the morning of the flea market.
Rain date is Sunday May 21, 2017.
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