Winter Meeting this week 12.01.22, 7pm @ Box Cafe
Good evening,
We hope you’ve all had some time to enjoy the Thanksgiving weekend.
We will be having a Sgt Anthony Park Neighborhood Association Meeting this Thursday Dec 1st at Box Cafe* on Palisade Ave at 7pm. [add to calendar].
*For those who cannot attend in person a zoom video will be available @ https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88612830149?pwd=aGRwUHk1ZWhhUCszYlVZak1kNXJQZz09.
We encourage everyone from the neighborhood to attend to raise questions, share your concerns and join other neighbors to build the community.
This will be the last meeting of 2022, and in 2023 there will open seats on the SAPNA board. We hope that many of you will join us on the 1st and get involved.
This year was Sgt Anthony’s 100 Birthday, and the Association has continued to advocate and plan for our community, including hosting a Spring Blossom Concert with, Free Summer Yoga, the Halloween Pumpkin Painting, music and Haunted Garden, and a Big Dig event (**and paid members will soon be invited to our holiday party🎉🎉!**)[pay membership now].
It’s been another successful year in the community garden where we have continued to host a 4H program, and vegetable and plant gardeners have had a great crop.
And we’ve also been working hard on things that don’t get as much attention including advocating for responsible development, helicopter no-fly zones, safer infrastructure for pedestrians and cyclists, tree planting and improvements to the dog run.
These are just some of the things that the Association works hard at each year, and we hope that we can encourage others to get involved, meet your neighbors and continue to make the Sgt Anthony Neighborhood a wonderful place to live & work.
For all those who are unable to attend the meeting this Thursday, we wish you a wonderful holiday season, and a joyous new year.
Sgt Anthony Park Neighborhood Association
Community Meeting about Courthouse Park
Finally the day has come to meet the folks who will be designing your park. Join the Courthouse Park Advocacy Group, Hudson County and Jersey City’s Dept. of Infrastructure
Wednesday, November 30th 7pm, The County Annex
567 Pavonia Ave, 2nd fl.
Dec 10th @ Riverview Park, 10am-4pm
Membership 2022
If you have not paid your association fees ($25), please do so now. Members are eligible to vote on SAPNA issues, allocation of funds and serve on the board or other organizing committees. Members are also able to request a key for year round access to the community garden. More info