REMINDER – Sgt Anthony Park Neighborhood Association Meeting – THURSDAY, August 17th

park events, neighborhood development, and more<!–


Sgt. Anthony Neighborhood Association Meeting, 7pm, THURSDAY, August 17th!

Hello Neighbors!

Our next Sgt Anthony Park Neighborhood Association meeting will be at
7pm on Thursday August 17th at 

Christ Hospital Staff Meeting Room

176 Palisade Avenue

*This room is accessible through the Emergency Room at the back of the hospital—go around to the other side from the main sliding glass door.*

Currently on the agenda:

1. Call to Order and Welcome to Members and Guests

2. Board member introductions and sign-in sheet circulation

3. Officer’s Reports

(a) Summary of minutes from last meeting

(b) Treasurer’s report

(c) Events report

(d) Garden report

(e) Development report

4. Guest Speaker – Zoning – Matt Ward

(a) Proposed Zoning changes to the SAPNA area

(b) Explaining the Affordable Housing Overlay

5. Guest Speaker – 30-32 Central Avenue – Stephen Joseph

Redevelopment of existing building 4 story building – adaptive reuse from office to 8 apartment units

6. Guest Speaker – 84-88 Beacon Avenue – Benjamin Wine

New development proposing ​a 4 story, 24-unit residential building with parking, including two affordable units – requesting 10 variances (for use, bulk, height, setbacks, parking, etc.).

7. Announcements/AOB


8. Adjournment


We want to hear from you—this is YOUR neighborhood, so please come along and SHARE neighborhood concerns, LEARN about recent events, and JOIN your neighbors in creating a revitalized association.

See you at the meeting!

Sgt. Anthony Park Association



These membership dues goes towards things like information flyers, community events, flowers and bushes in the park, and much much more as we continue to represent the Sgt Anthony Park Neighborhood.

We look forward to seeing you at the meeting

Sgt. Anthony Park Neighborhood Association

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